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CBDB ID: 2047
索引/中文/英文名稱: /葉份/Ye Fen
指數年 (index year): 1076
生年: 未詳(Id: 0)
卒年: 南宋(Id: 15)紹興(Id: 541)17年 (1147)
享年: 72
朝代: 宋(Id: 15)
為女性: 0
郡望: 【未詳】(ID: 0)
Ye(1) Fen [2047] His great grandfather, Zhaoying [4067], lived in Nanjian, Jianpu xian. Zhaoying's son-in-law, Huang(2) Changling [3408], was probably a brother or cousin of Huang(2) Changheng [836] and his brother Changchao [3407], both of whom were 1103 Suzhou jinshi. This would make chronological sense given the approximate date of an order drafted by Han(1) Yuanji [669] recommending a promotion for Huang(2) Changling. Ye(1) Zhaoying's son, Feigong [4069], used the jinshi to establish his family (qijia) branch of the lineage. Feigong was Tangyi's [7403] father, Fen's [2047] grandfather and moved to Suzhou. Fen tried the jinshi exams twice and failed both times. He used his grandfather Feigong's yin to enter the civil service. Fen was Tangji's [7103] nephew. Fen's grandsons, Dayou [4077] and Dalian [4076], had the same generational name as his son-in-law Zhu(1) Cheng's [3254] son, Daliang [3265]. Zhu(1) Daliang used Fen's yin to enter the civil service. In fact, there were two other possible kin--Ye(1) Daxian [4075], who was once Sinong si zhubu, and Ye(1) Dajie [4074], who passed the juren exams in 1159 and 1162--both from Suzhou, who were active during this period. A discussion on fiscal expertise in XNYL, 31.19b. Jiangsu jin, 11.6b, 7a; XNYL, 3.7a, 21.4b, 22.11a, 26.2b, 27.25a, 28.6b, 31.7a, 10b, 19b,32.17b, 33.4b, 35.5a, 156.21b; Li Mixun, WJ, 24.1a-10a; Shen Shi san, 37.47a; YLDD, 2367.8b-9a, 2368.4b. CBD, 4, 3228-9.

宋人傳記資料索引(電子版)(Id: 7596), 頁17740
八閩通志(Id: 6349), 頁section_id=49241

別名: 字(Id:4)成甫。

籍貫(基本地址)(Id:1):  宋朝(Id: 10989) / 兩浙西路(Id: 12669) / 蘇州(Id: 12688) / 吳縣12690
出處: 宋人傳記資料索引(電子版) , 頁17740

入仕門 恩蔭門(Id:06)
入仕別 恩蔭、蔭補(籠統)(Id:118)
出處:宋人傳記資料索引(電子版)  頁17740

 ▪ 正授 尚書省戶部尚書 起始年: 。 終止年: 未詳。
 ▪ 正授 尚書省戶部侍郎 地點: 宋朝。起始年: 之間1129。 終止年: 未詳。 未詳。
:Hartwell defined the office as Hubu shilang (戶部侍郎)
 ▪ 正授 三館 起始年: 約1130。 終止年: 未詳。
:LZL MasterFileLineID3110
 ▪ 正授 府牧 地點: 開封府。起始年: 。 終止年: 未詳。
 ▪ 正授 知某州軍州事 地點: 泉州。起始年: 之間1130。 終止年: 之間1130(未詳)。
:LZLMasterFileLineID 3110
 ▪ 知某州軍州事 出處:八閩通志(頁section_id=49241)。
 ▪ 正授 縣主簿 地點: 須城。起始年: 。 終止年: 未詳。
 ▪ 正授 庫部司郎中 地點: 宋朝。起始年: 之間1125。 終止年: 之間1126(未詳)。 未詳。
:Hartwell defined the office as Kubu langzhong (庫部郎中)
 ▪ 正授 庫部司員外郎 起始年: 。 終止年: 未詳。

落第士人(Id: 30)
[財政官員](Id: 68)

姪孫;從孫(BSS):  葉大節
姪孫;從孫(BSS):  葉大顯
女婿(DH):  朱大亮
父(F):  葉唐懿
祖父(FF):  葉棐恭   出處:宋人傳記資料索引(電子版)(頁17740)。
獨子(S (only son)):  葉櫻
岳父(WF):  江望

祭文由Y所作:  李彌遜  【祭葉成父尚書文 / 筠溪集】
祭文由Y所作:  李彌遜  【路祭葉成父尚書文 / 筠溪集】
墓誌銘由Y所作:  李彌遜  (1135)
墓誌銘由Y所作:  李彌遜  【葉公墓誌銘 / 筠溪集】
為Y所著書作跋:  張元幹  【宣和間名賢題跋 / 蘆川歸來集】